Here are some pictures of our sweet baby Blue Eyes. He was born on Lincoln's 200th birthday, making him our fourth child whose birthday falls on a holiday. Dash is an Easter baby, Freckles came on Christmas, and Big B came on Martin Luther King's birthday. We might have had five holiday babies, but Sparkle came late. She was due Thanksgiving week. So how is that for timing? Of course it also makes winter time an expensive season for us. But that's ok, we wouldn't change it.
P.S. As an interesting aside, these are pictures from my cell phone camera. Big B (2) had a dunk-Mommy's-new-digital-camera-in-the-toilet party a few weeks ago. We bought it in December to replace the old digital camera, which had also been placed in a toilet by a toddler (who will remain nameless). This time around, I discovered him just seconds after he immersed it: Soon enough to hear the glee in his giggles, and see the pure joy on his face, but too late to save the camera. Now there's a shining moment for you.
Cute Pics! I am glad you started the blog!